

Renegotiating Payer Contracts

6 Winning Contract Renegotiation Tactics

You can increase how much your third-party contracts pay. But it’s not easy. Insurers won’t help you to the money that’s just waiting on the table. And you may lack the confidence and experience to overcome their sneaky contract reimbursement reduction strategies. To renegotiate a payer contract that protects your practice’s profits, follow these tips: […]

Payer Negotiations: 5 Fee Schedule Prep Steps to Lock in Higher Rates

Preparation is key to any project or endeavor, and payer contract negotiations are no different. If you don’t have your ducks in a row including your fee schedule pricing demands and arguments, you could be shut down before you’re even out of the gate. The fee schedule portion of your payer contract outlines the rate […]

Watch Out for These 11 Devious Payer Contracting Negotiation Tricks

How hard are your managed care contracts working for you? Could payer contracting even be working against you? Payer reimbursements are the foundation of your practice revenue, but unfavorable contract terms can cost you thousands of dollars. Many providers find payer contract negotiation — or renegotiation — to be a complex and even uncomfortable task, […]

Tips for Getting Contracted into
Closed Payer Networks

Since many payer networks are already complete, it is often challenging for providers to get contracted. Therefore, the question is what can you do as a provider of valuable medical services to get into a closed or narrow payer network?
Payer Contract

6 Tips to Negotiate the Payer Contract You Want

Payer contract negotiations don’t have to be painful. Consider these action items to help keep you focused, avoid payer pressures, and prioritize your organizational goals to ensure the right outcomes for your practice...