As most medical practices are aware, new overtime pay rules are going into effect this year that will require you to overhaul how you pay certain salaried, full-time staff members who earn over $55,068 a year. If you want to comply with the laws, you’ve got to take steps now that help you achieve that […]
Every employer in the United States with 15 or more employees must provide “reasonable accommodations” to staff members who have disabilities, and mental health disorders do fall under the requirement. If an employee requests mental health accommodations at your practice, you must be ready to work with them to avoid violating the law. The accommodation […]
A new employment overtime rule will require you to modify how you pay some of your full-time salaried employees, or you could end up facing expensive and time-consuming investigations into your labor compliance. To ensure your practice is ready for compliance with the upcoming overtime rule, check out three facts about the law. 1. The […]
Coaching your staff members is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your practice continues running efficiently. Without employee coaching, team members may lose enthusiasm for the role, and you could miss an opportunity to identify unlocked potential. Check out two main types of employee coaching and when each applies. Directive […]
Do you think your practice is as efficient as it could be? If not, you may be thinking you need to boost morale, hire a stronger team, or even spend more of your own time in the office. That isn’t always the remedy, however. In some cases, you simply need to improve staff productivity, but […]
About 3.4 million staff members in the U.S. are erroneously being classified as independent contractors when they should be listed as employees. Part of the issue is that many businesses don’t understand the difference between contractor vs. employee. But under a new rule that takes effect March 11, practices that are making this mistake could […]
If you think your practice has low odds of experiencing workplace injuries, you may be in for a surprise. Nearly two thirds of healthcare professionals are concerned that they’ll get injured at work this year. Another 94% of healthcare professionals say at-home care makes it even harder to stay safe, due to safety challenges. That’s […]
It’s more important than ever to create your physician contracts to the letter of the law. A brand-new OIG ruling released in November could muddy the waters if you aren’t on top of the rules, and penalties could be huge if you are in violation of the Stark and anti-kickback laws. Check out a few […]
Even if you don’t think of healthcare as a high-hazard industry, the reality is that the government does — and that means you must be ready to comply with a new OSHA rule effective in 2024. If you want to avoid fines, audits and investigations, you’ll need to electronically submit injury and illness information to […]
The updated I-9 form is already out, but many practices aren’t using it yet. The catch? You must start using this form effective Nov. 1, 2023, since the previous version expires on Oct. 31. To prepare for the switchover and ensure you’re ready to begin using the new I-9 form, take a look at these […]
Live Webinar: You attend the training online at a specific date and time along with the expert presenter who will answer your questions.
CD-ROM: A recording of the actual live event (including the Q&A). Your CD-ROM will be mailed to you via USPS First Class Mail within 48 hours of the live training date.
On-Demand Recording: Watch a recording of the live event anytime – as often and for as long as you’d like. Access the recording (including Q&A) online within 24 hours of the live training date and time. Simply log into your Healthcare Training Leader account.
Live + CD-ROM: You attend the training online at a specific date and time along with the expert presenter who will answer your questions. You’ll also be mailed a recording of the actual live event on CD-ROM.
Live + On Demand: You attend the training online at a specific date and time along with the expert presenter who will answer your questions. You’ll also have access to a recorded version of the training to access at your convenience.
Corporate Access: Select this option to receive online, on-demand access to your training across each of your locations. Setup will be initiated by our account team within 48 hours of your enrollment and can be utilized by your entire team.
You and your entire team, at all your locations, can attend as many live and view as many recorded trainings as you like for 12 months.
You and your team, in one single location, can attend as many live and view as many recorded trainings as you like for 12 months.