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Workplace injuries

Healthcare Staffers Fear Workplace Injuries: Protect Your Team

If you think your practice has low odds of experiencing workplace injuries, you may be in for a surprise. Nearly two thirds of healthcare professionals are concerned that they’ll get injured at work this year. Another 94% of healthcare professionals say at-home care makes it even harder to stay safe, due to safety challenges. That’s […]

Complete OSHA RRI Form Without Triggering an Inspection

Failure to report serious accidents and fatalities to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in a timely manner can result in significant financial fines. OSHA RRI. You are required to report serious injuries that occur at your practice to OSHA within twenty-four hours of their occurrence. OSHA defines “serious” injuries as employee hospitalization, an […]
Vaccination exemption

New Employment Rules: COVID Vaccination Reasonable Exemptions

In May of this year, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released new guidance for employers related to offering and requiring employees with disabilities to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. The term “disability” encompasses a variety of situations and conditions – many beyond those typically considered by employers. Unknowingly, you may be at a high risk […]
OSHA COVID-19 inspections

Surprise OSHA Inspections: Stop Inspectors in Their Tracks

On March 12, 2021, OSHA announced a new National Emphasis Program (NEP) targeting healthcare practices just like yours. The Agency generated a random list of offices for surprise COVID-19 inspections, and inspectors are now showing up to look for safety violations – which carry severe fines. OSHA COVID-19 inspections. To avoid fines for COVID-19 OSHA […]
Appointing a COVID-19 Workplace Coordinator

2021 New OSHA Rules: Who Should Be Your COVID-19 Workplace Coordinator?

New OSHA guidelines, issued January 29, 2021, focus on implementing a COVID-19 workplace prevention program. In addition to a variety of recommendations, the Agency calls for employers to designate a COVID-19 Workplace Coordinator who is the primary point of contact for all COVID-19 issues at your practice. WARNING: Don’t make the mistake of thinking that […]
OSHA covid

OSHA Covid-19 Rules & Emergency Temporary Standard: Comply or Face Huge Penalties

Update Notice: As of July 21, 2021, healthcare businesses must be in full compliance with OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS), including its guidelines for ventilation, physical barriers and training. Although the ETS is already in effect, the comment period is extended through August 20, 2021. Read more about the extended comment period and field inspection and […]
OSHA COVID-19 recording requirements 201014HRS-OSHA

4 Steps Prevent OSHA COVID-19 Recording Violation

OSHA recently announced that its officers will investigate your non-work-related records of employees that have COVID-19. But determining the cause of the illness is really tricky, and there’s a lot at stake. Do it wrong, and you could get hit with a costly employee safety penalty. It’s up to you to steer clear of OSHA […]
COVID-19 PPE Requirements

3 Steps to Determine COVID-19 PPE Requirements for your Practice

QUESTION: We are very confused about which COVID-19 PPE requirements our practice should follow. We are an ophthalmology practice, and we don’t allow symptomatic patients to come in. Should we still mandate that some or all of our staff wear masks? How about our front desk staff that just check patients in and out? Question […]
COVID-19 Employee Screening

Prevent Havoc from COVID-19 Employee Screening Violation

Screening your employees for coronavirus is a ticking time bomb. Require too much from employees and your demands could trigger a complaint and even a lawsuit. Ask too little and the safety of your patients and staff are at risk. Cut through the confusion of how to screen your employees so your policies best diffuse […]
Employee Tests Positive COVID

Checklist: Cover Your Bases When Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

As coronavirus counts surge, it’s now more likely than ever that you’ll have to manage employees who test positive for COVID-19. Doing so is fraught with very real legal and compliance pitfalls. Make one misstep and you could endanger patients and violate privacy and compensation laws. There is a way to follow all the needed […]