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Specialty Specific

Specialty Specific


Master Updated Dental Code D4355 to Optimize 2023 Pay

For years, dental practices were stymied about when it was appropriate to report debridement code D4355 (Full mouth debridement to enable a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis on a subsequent visit). It was unclear whether a dentist could examine the patient the same day, or whether this code was exclusive to patients in nursing homes or […]
psychotherapy CPT

2 Proven Strategies Boost Psychotherapy CPT Code Pay

Stop leaving dollars on the table for mental health services for intake and time. You can add hundreds in revenue using psychotherapy CPT coding tips. Implement these expert tactics to up your reimbursement without attracting unwanted audit attention. Bill New Intake Session after Patient Absence (Codes 90701, 90792) Because many plans pay more for CPT® […]
Coding CPT Injection Infusion

4 Must-Know Injection and Infusion Tips to Boost Pay Up

Correctly coding for injections and infusions can often feel like a shot in the dark. From assigning codes for multiple drugs to add-on codes to accurately documenting stop and start times, even the most experienced coders feel the pinch of these complex coding guidelines. But code claims incorrectly, and you could be costing your practice […]

6 Easy Steps to Unlock Your Well Woman Exams Pay Up

Getting reimbursed for preventive well woman exam claims is tricky – not all third-party payers reimburse for these services and the coverage rules vary for the payers that do. You can’t afford to mess up the ABN or the allowed codes. Remove barriers to get the reimbursement you deserve by following a handy step-by-step guide. […]

ICD-10-CM Code Changes Broken Down by Specialty

Knowing what ICD-10-CM code changes you need to focus on updating this Fall can be like finding a needle a haystack. ICD-10-CM code changes for 2020 include 324 code changes (273 new, 21 deleted, and 30 revised codes) – and you need to hone in on the ones you need to educate staff on, watch out […]
Infusion Administration

Recognize Infusion Administration Types to Ensure Proper Payment

Coding infusions is far from run-of-the-mill, and if you don’t get it right, you’ll likely see reduced — if not denied — claims. One of the key concepts when reporting this service is understanding the type of infusion you’re providing. Get it right, and your claim sails through, but get it wrong, and you’ll be […]
Moderate Sedation Codes

Moderate Sedation Codes in 2017 Easier and No More Bulls-Eyes

If you bill for moderate sedation, things just got a little easier for you next year. CPT® 2017 has changed how you code these services for more than 400 procedures. You’ll notice there’s something missing in your 2017 CPT manual. All those bulls-eyes that indicated a code could include moderate sedation are gone. And the […]