Increase Revenue by 5%, Stop Paying Virtual Credit Card Fees


Bottom line, you can increase your reimbursement by 5% by denying virtual credit card payments.

You are paying up to 5% on every single virtual credit card payment you process. That’s 5% less reimbursement that you deserve. What’s worse, many payers are getting kickbacks based on the fees you pay.

The good news is you are not required to accept virtual credit cards. You can refuse at any time, and HIPAA says that payors must comply. But there is a CATCH, you must correctly submit your refusal, and know what to do if they fight it. One missed requirement means you are stuck continuing to pay virtual credit card processing fees and getting paid less.

That’s where revenue cycle specialist, Kem Tolliver, BS, CMPE, CPC, CMOM, can help. During her online training session, Kem will take you, step-by-step, through the virtual credit card payer refusal process. You’ll be able to avoid payer attempts to require you into accepting virtual credit cards and preserve the reimbursement you’ve earned.

Here are just a few of the actionable strategies you’ll learn for denying virtual credit card payments in this 75-minute online training:

  • Uncover hidden contract language and avoid being forced into accepting virtual cards
  • Stop fees and get paid faster by convincing payers to send bank transfers instead
  • Avoid payment delays from payers as a tactic to use virtual card reimbursement
  • File a formal complaint with CMS’ National Standards Group, your backup up plan
  • Use CAQH’s EnrollHubb to find payers that offer virtual credit card alternatives
  • Negotiate your virtual credit card payments away during contract renewals
  • End virtual card fees, use CMS’ Administrative Simplification Enforcement & Testing Tool
  • Get payers to back down when they “require” virtual card payment (Hint: They can’t force you!)
  • And so much more…

You deserve to be paid every single penny you are rightfully due from the payers you bill. Don’t let hidden payment processing fees put that money at risk. Especially when payors are looking to you to pay their processing fees. You can do something about this and stop paying thousands in virtual credit card fees each year – TODAY.

Get the expert advice you need to push back against payors trying to strongarm you into accepting virtual credit cards and keep more of the reimbursement you’ve earned. Register for this must-attend online training session today!

Meet Your Expert

Kem Tolliver
BS, CMPE, CPC, CMOMPresident and CEO

For over 20 years Kem has led workflow redesign strategies to innovate healthcare Revenue Cycles and Practice Operations. Having started at the front desk and elevating to leadership allows Kem to understand a variety of stakeholder viewpoints. To achieve success, she develops and leads cross functional teams with customizing technology to develop a unique improvement plan by infusing her expertise in revenue cycle, practice innovation, and clinical documentation improvement.


Kem was great, very concise, and great at pointing out the reasons why the virtual credit card is detrimental to businesses on so many levels.
Ivan Vargas