Prevent Costly Errors as a Medical Expert or Fact-Based Witness

Length: 60 Minutes Expert: Bryan Meek, Esq.

As a medical provider, you have NO choice – when the court or an attorney notifies you to appear for questioning (in the courtroom or at a deposition) you are required to show up.

This is true whether you are an expert or fact witness. Your only real defense in these situations is for you to be entirely prepared.

You certainly would never testify as an expert or fact witness without calling your attorney, but even that doesn’t completely protect you. A simple mistake can sink a case, and leave you exposed to penalties and possibly sanctions from your state medical board. Plus, as an expert witness, you can be sued after testifying if someone doesn’t appreciate your comments.

Pinpointing your role ahead of time and having a handle on the differences between being an expert or fact witness is imperative to your protection. It is the only way for you to make it through the stressful, time-consuming, costly witness process unscathed.

So, what can you do to stay on the right side of the regulations? That’s where legal expert Bryan Meek, Esq, can help. During his online training, Bryan will break down the complexities of how to be successful as either an expert or fact witness. You will receive step-by-step answers to all of your questions about surviving the legal system as a witness.

Here are just a few of the questions you’ll get answered during this expert-led 60-minute online training:

  • What are you prohibited from sharing during your testimony?
  • When can your employment contract prevent you from testifying?
  • How can you avoid HIPAA violations when responding to nonessential questions?
  • As a fact-based witness, can you also be considered an expert witness?
  • When should you provide your opinion vs. sticking only to the facts?
  • How can you head off attorney questioning tricks used to confuse you?
  • When does immunity apply to your testimony, and how do you get it?
  • How can you avoid common rookie mistakes that can lead to a deposition nightmare?
  • What steps must you take when testifying in state where you are not licensed?
  • How can you avoid violating state medical review board laws?
  • And much, much more…

Getting involved in a legal case, regardless of your role, can have serious consequences – even as severe as losing your medical license or being sued. This upcoming attorney-led online training will provide you with the insider tactics of how to survive as an expert or fact witness with less stress, cost and fallout.

This online training session will provide you with proven witness strategies to appropriately prepare for your time on the stand. Don’t wait — sign up today for Bryan’s 60-minute training session.

Meet Your Expert

Bryan Meek
Esq.Attorney at Brennan, Manna & Diamond

Bryan Meek, Esq., is an Attorney in Brennan, Manna & Diamond’s Health Law Department and Labor & Employment Department. Bryan counsels health industry clients on contract disputes, Board investigations and suspensions, and compliance plans. When employment matters rise to the level of litigation, Bryan leverages his substantial experience to defend his clients against these actions, including contract disputes, discrimination allegations, and other employment matters in court.  Should a labor dispute arise, Bryan defends his clients before arbitrators.

Bryan’s healthcare expertise extends into fraud and abuse disputes, credentialing, and certification. He has a proven track record in government and private payor appeals and disputes, including audits, administrative appeals, and negotiations.