CPC® Exam: Pass on Your First Try


There is no doubt about it, the CPC® exam is tough. It is a grueling 5+ hours long. And a variety of sources show that ONLY about 50% of coders receive the seventy percent necessary pass the CPC ® Exam on the first time. That leaves the remaining 50% needing to take the test again. And let’s face it, who wants to take this test more than once!!!With one of the highest passing rates in the country, Laureen Jandroep, CPC, CPC-H, CPC-I, CMSCS, CHCI, CPPM is bringing her CPC® Exam Test Taking Tactics to you in this targeted, step-by-step, 90-minute webinar.

Normally these proven tactics are offered to coders in a face-to-face 2-day session. However, not everyone has the luxury to be able to travel and attend these session. Accordingly, Laureen has stripped her live content down to only the most proven methods. She has developed a concise, practice, step-by-step training session to teach YOU how to pass this beast of a test in just one try.

This session is NOT for those that are just learning coding. It is only for those professionals that are skilled coders and want to increase their chances of passing this tough five-and-a-half-hour test the first time. When you watch this training session you’ll receive step-by-step strategies for studying, taking and passing the CPC® examination. In order to pass the CPC® exam you must have two key skills: A solid understanding of all key areas of coding that are on the exam, and a proven test taking strategy.Her verified test taking strategies have helped hundreds of coders pass this grueling test on the first attempt. After viewing this online training session, you’ll be able to:

• Evade the most common text-taking mistakes that could cost you the exam
• Use the most important element to passing to your benefit (it may not be what you think)
• Avoid getting stuck on one or two questions and running out of time
• Choose your answers more quickly, accurately and with confidence
• Reduce answer “flipping” and wasting valuable time
• Pass the CPC® Exam the first time

It doesn’t matter if you are preparing to take the CPC® Exam for the first time, or if you’re retaking it for a second or third (or even fourth) time, you are not alone. This content was prepared and tested by professionals that have been there, done that. That is what gives this session the edge over other programs. The information you’ll receive has been refined from her own experiences, successes and mistakes. No doubt about it, this strategy works.

Don’t walk into the CPC® exam alone. Take the practical tactics you’ll learn from this proven training session. It will make a huge difference in helping you master time management and retention skills so you can pass the AAPC’s Certified Professional Coder (CPC®) Exam the first time.

You don’t have to be worried and stressed out about taking the CPC® Exam. By attending this webinar you can be calm, focused, prepared, and confident when you walk in to take the exam. In just 90-minutes you’ll receive all of the tools you’ll need to get certified the FIRST TIME YOU TAKE THE TEST!

Meet Your Expert

Laureen Jandroep
BSOT, CPC, COC, CPC-I, CMSCS, CHCI, CPPM, CDEO, CPMA, CPBOwner, CertificationCoding.Org

Laureen has over 30 years in the healthcare field. She graduated as an Occupational Therapist in 1986 and before long was running a successful therapy practice which did over 1.6 million in billing per year with a less than .06% rejection rate. Once Medicare changed how rehab companies were reimbursed this business was closed and Laureen eventually started a new company dedicated to teaching Medical Billing and Coding.

Laureen has taught medical billing and coding since 1999 and currently does so through her company Certification Coaching Organization, LLC.