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Frederic G. Reamer

Professor at Rhode Island College

Meet Your Expert

Frederic G. Reamer, PhD, has focused his career on helping mental health professionals across the globe avoid ethics challenges. Dr. Reamer is a professor in the graduate program, School of Social Work, Rhode Island College, where he has been on the faculty since 1983. His teaching and research focus on professional ethics, criminal justice, mental health, health care, and public policy.

Reamer received his PhD from the University of Chicago and has served as a social worker in correctional and mental health settings. He chaired the national task force that wrote the National Association of Social Workers “Code of Ethics” and served on the code revision task force. Reamer also chaired national and international task forces that developed ethics guidelines for practitioners’ use of technology.

His books include “Social Work Values and Ethics,” “Risk Management in Social Work,” “The Social Work Ethics Casebook,”Ethical Standards in Social Work,” “Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in the Human Services,” and “The Social Work Ethics Audit,” among others. Reamer has lectured extensively nationally and internationally on the subjects of professional ethics and risk management, and he has served as an expert witness in more than 100 court and licensing board cases nationwide.

Training Sessions by Frederic G. Reamer

  • Mental Health Client Boundaries

    Today, your client relationships are under intense scrutiny, and you’re open to more potential boundary-related litigation and licensing board complaints than ever before. This is especially true given the dramatic increase in practitioners’ and clients’ use of social media and online social networking. Even if you’ve been safely practicing for years, it’s easier than you think to end up in […]

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