Stop Cures Act and Patient Access Fines, Federal Deadline has Passed


Patient information protection rules have changed. Now the federal government requires you to provide access to patient information OR ELSE.
Medical Records Patient Access

The recently implemented 21st Century Cures Act (also called information blocking) is the driving force behind this change. This new federal rule went into effect April 5th.  To comply you MUST grant access to patient health information securely, at no cost, and without delay.  The implementation of this Act means substantial changes to your practice’s technology, HIPAA policies and procedures and even clinical workflows. Medical Records Patient Access

Failure to comply with the Cures Act mandates can get you audited and leads to thousands in violation penalties. Medical Records Patient Access

Thankfully, you don’t have to navigate these new patient information access requirements alone. Healthcare attorney and privacy expert, Joseph Lazzarotti, Esq., CIPP, is leading a 90-minute online training session that will walk you through exactly how to comply with the new patient access and information blocking rules. By attending, you’ll receive easy-to-implement, step-by-step strategies that will help you comply with these newly implemented regulations. Medical Records Patient Access

Here are just some of the actionable healthcare information access compliance strategies you’ll receive by attending this online attorney-led training:

  • Head off patient frustration when there are legitimate delays to health information
  • Stop incomplete or incorrect records from leading to serious penalties
  • Implement info blocking rules correctly to avoid HIPAA compliance violations
  • Comply with access timelines requirements with easy-to-use tools
  • Don’t let “adequate access” to records open your practice up to violations
  • Pin down when it is okay (and necessary) to deny patient access to their records
  • Protect your practice from common errors associated with implementing new access rules
  • Identify how to supply medical record summaries that meet patient needs and protect your practice
  • Determine what you can and can’t charge when providing access to patient info
  • And so much more…

IMPORTANT: Despite previous extensions due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Office of the National Coordinator for Healthcare Information Technology (ONC) did not delay the Cures Act go live date again.

As of RIGHT NOW, you are required to have made the changes necessary to comply with this new information blocking and patient access rules. By attending this upcoming online training, you’ll receive the expert advice you need to implement the federal 21st Century Cures Act, including patient access rules, correctly and avoid massive violation penalties (which are coming). Medical Records Patient Access

Don’t wait! Be sure to sign up today. .

Meet Your Expert

Joseph Lazzarotti
Esq., CIPP Principal at Jackson Lewis P.C.

Joseph Lazzarotti, Esq., CIPP is a Principal at Jackson Lewis P.C. in New Jersey. In his nearly two decades of experience advising HIPAA covered entities, he has represented hundreds of healthcare providers and vendors in HIPAA privacy and security compliance, right to access, data breaches and HIPAA investigations.

Joseph founded and currently co-leads the firm’s Privacy, Data, and Cybersecurity practice group, edits the firm’s Privacy Blog, and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) with the International Association of Privacy Professionals.


The webinar was great and easy to follow. It was easy to understand and the questions at the end worked out best.
Jamie Wagner
Business Owner and Therapist, Hope Therapy