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Stephanie Thomas

Meet Your Expert

Stephanie has 17 years of experience doing medical billing and coding in a variety of specialties. She has earned her credentials as both a Certified Professional Coder® (CPC®) AND a Certified Pain and Anesthesia Coder (CANPC®).

Billing is Stephanie’s passion. She has made it her mission to work with practices across the country to help them ethically and more efficiently maximize their reimbursements. She does this by simplifying complex coding and billing rules and educating providers and staff on proper utilization techniques.

 She is a proven coding and billing educator, and regularly speaks at both local and national events

Training Sessions by Stephanie Thomas

  • Billing-From-A-to-Z-Improve-Claims-Pay-Up

    There is a lot riding on the accuracy of the claims you submit. Missing even one step in the billing process can result in dire consequences - significant reductions in claims’ reimbursement, increased denials, overpayments/recoupments, refunds and ultimately audits that lead to massive fines and penalties. The problem is that there are so many steps in the billing process that […]

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