Natural Disaster Recovery: Protect Your Practice and Patients


Your practice is not immune to the devastation of a natural disaster and making the mistake of not being prepared can have a serious after-effect to both you and your patients. The problem is that planning for natural disasters is usually not a top priority – especially when your desk is piled high with things that must be done today.

But waiting until it’s too late is most certainly NOT the answer.

There are actions you can take today to improve the outcome of a natural disaster for both your practice and patients. It’s not just about preparing for the event; your plan should also include how you’ll recover. Knowing how to respond to emergency situations and how to get back up on your feet are essential.

This is where emergency preparedness expert, Steve Wilder, BA, CHSP, STS, can help. During a 90-minute online training session on, Steve will walk you through what you REALLY need to know to protect your practice, your staff and your patients during and after a natural disaster.

Here are just a few of the practical, step-by-step natural disaster preparation and recovery tactics you’ll receive by taking advantage of this 90-minute online training:

  • Protect your practice and staff with an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
  • Identify the true emergencies that you are likely to face, and how to combat them
  • Accurately evaluate whether your team is really ready for a disaster
  • Implement an Incident Command System to properly manage staff during an emergency event
  • Successfully incorporate an Emergency Event Response into your Emergency Preparedness Plan
  • And so much more…

IMPORTANT: In addition to ensuring your patients are cared for, how you prepare for and manage the aftermath of a natural disaster is regulated. Medicare’s Emergency Preparedness requirements, based on your practice type and specialty, require that you comply with HIPAA regulations or face hefty financial penalties. OSHA has specific requirements depending on your practice size as well. All the information in this online training session will be compliant with all required regulations.

Thousands across the US were seriously affected by natural disasters – including medical practices. Whether it’s a California wildfires, Florida hurricane, or Oklahoma tornado, how you respond and what action you take after the natural disasters is the key to your practice’s longevity and ongoing success.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking “it will never happen to us,” or that you’ll have plenty of time to put something together when it happens. The only way to ensure your practice and patients are protected during a natural disaster is to have a plan. Register for this, expert-led online training today, and get the answers you need to survive the storm.

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Meet Your Expert

Steven S. Wilder
BA, CHSP, STSPresident, Sorensen, Wilder & Associates

Steve has spent the past 32 years in healthcare safety, security, and risk management. He has provided consultation services to hundreds of clients, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, homecare agencies, clinics, physician practices, and pre-hospital/EMS services, as well as trained thousands of workers in workplace safety and security.

An experienced trial expert, Steve regularly consults for law firms and insurance companies on matters of safety, security, and risk management. He has become a nationally recognized subject matter expert in active shooter preparedness and response, and works with over 300 clients in 44 states.

Steve has previously been a Risk Manager/Safety & Security Director for a hospital, Corporate Risk / Safety Officer for a long-term care facilities, and Corporate Director of Safety/Security for a major healthcare system with nine hospitals and fifteen long term care facilities.

In addition to his regular contributions to healthcare magazines, Wilder co-authored the book The Essentials of Aggression Management in Healthcare: From Talkdown to Takedown.

Steve proudly served on the Illinois School Security and Standards Task Force as the only professional security consultant on that task force, appointed by the Governor of the State of Illinois.