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Payer Contract

6 Tips to Negotiate the Payer Contract You Want

Payer contract negotiations don’t have to be painful. Consider these action items to help keep you focused, avoid payer pressures, and prioritize your organizational goals to ensure the right outcomes for your practice...
Telehealth Security

Telehealth Security: Protect Patient Information and Your Practice

Your practice is responsible for protecting your patients’ ePHI at both the origination site and the distant site. You must ensure that both locations have appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards in place as outlined in the HIPAA Security Rule...
Medicare Exclusions

Don’t Pay the Price for Medicare Exclusions

Making the mistake of employing an excluded physician, nurse, nonphysician provider or administrator will lead to you facing thousands in civil money penalties — not to mention the money you’ll lose for services you’ve provided that can never be billed. Thinking that this can’t affect your practice is a HUGE mistake. In fact, the Office […]
Ransomware Hackers

Stop Ransomware Hackers Before They Strike

It doesn't matter if you work in a hospital system or are a solo-practitioner. It doesn't matter what state you're located in or what specialty you practice. And the "I didn't know" excuse isn't going to fly either. Unless you take action, you're at risk...